
Monday, 30 November 2015

Word Web

For this or should I say these word webs today Mr Wong/Teacher Wrote down a bunch of word on the board and we had to  type in as much word as we could and the words that are related to it.

Word Web

Here and now I am going to show you my word web again. For today's word web I am doing homophones these are word's that have the same sound but have a different meaning E.G Eye and I. These are three words are sometimes getting me mixed up in writing a sentence and in paragraph's, There The're and Their. It is hard to remember but I think i'll get the hang of it.

Word Web

Here's another word, and for now's word web im doing word that rhyme. Above like always there is an image for you, here's just a little detail of what I have done. In this word web I have searched carefully for my words so for pick I picked lick That's for today's blog thanks for reading.

Word Web

Today room nine did synonyms, We had to find/pick a word and write sentences that are related to that word. E.G Toxic ( My Word) A boy had been poisoned (My sentence/My Word Poisoned), So that was today's word web and keep visiting my blog for more Word web.

Friday, 27 November 2015

Words Web

This is my word web for today I had to think of a word and find out words that rhyme with it, I also had to find a photo of it.

Thursday, 29 October 2015

Line Shoot Out

Today room 9 played a game called Line Shoot Out, It is known for the lines like parallel lines, point and also intersection lines. You have to shoot the lines that would come up and also with the word on the mouse.

Friday, 16 October 2015

Vocabulary list

Today Room 9 done a research about simple machines. We were all split up into 3 different groups one was doing information sheet (that was going to be printed in  A4 paper size), the simple machine poster group was lucky all they had to do was put the image on a google drawing and then they had just had to write what the simple machine does. We also had the vocabulary group which we had 28 words about simple machines, we had to find the definition in the dictionary and had to copy and paste it. Then we had to write what the definition meant in our own words.

Thursday, 15 October 2015

Using a compass

Today Lyndon and I learnt how to use a compass on Digi store. We both took turns on finding the houses using the campus we had to start from my place to NE which takes us 5.5 KM to the format cave then we had to find our ways to the other places such as the beach.

Library Skills 2015

Choosing the Right Book

L.I. Matching questions to book titles
Looking for keywords in a question

Here is a list of some books you might find in the non-fiction section of a library:

Which of the books would you use to find out:

1. How many people live in NZ - Stanley Gibbons Stamp Catalogue

2. Which special stamps were issued in New Zealand in 1992 - Yearbook of Population.

3. How to look after a puppy - Caring for pets

4. Where the custom of Easter Eggs came from - Dictionary of Customs and Fables

5. The date of the Wahine disaster - Everyman’s Dictionary of Dates

6. Which records were broken at the last Olympic Games - Encyclopedia of Athletics

7. The size of Noah’s Ark - The Bible

8. The speed of the first aircraft to fly under power - A History of Flight

9. The story of how the first under four-minute mile was run - Guinness Book of Records

10.  How the Greeks used a wooden horse to enter the city of Troy - Myths and Legends

Tuesday, 13 October 2015

Reading Group Tasks

Today Captain Underpants worked on a book called Unsolved Mysterious. We had to read the book until page 5 then we had to scan for difficulty words or sentence that we were unsure of, then we had to discuss it with the our partner next to us about it. Once we have done that we had to go to our tables and then read the rest  of the book. Then we had to talk about what words we were unsure of and then we all (as a reading group) had to find out what the definition is of that word for example. (Important, Important is a urgent word that is usually used for injuries and sometimes damages to network. Once we all have agreed our discussion we had to go onto the real time board website to make notes for the information.

Friday, 4 September 2015


Today room 9 had to find how much protein,fat,sugar and carbohydrate where in every single ingredient that they were going to be in their sandwich.

Thursday, 20 August 2015


How to reference

Author's name - Sandra Markle.
Title Of Book - Predators
Year Published - 2003
Place Published - U.S
Publisher - Scholastic Inc
Referenced - August 20 2015

3D Shapes

Today I used digiestore to find how to make 3D shapes there is an activity to make these 3D shapes. the top one is called the locating faces and the bottom one is called predicting Faces. Type in the searching bar these searching for 3D shapes.

Thursday, 6 August 2015

Part Adder

Today I needed to solve 48 + 49. It is a to digit number
as you can see. So I used the Part Adder to solve the

Once we were done the first one we had to make a different one showing the same problem but different answer.

Friday, 24 July 2015

Hauora Fuel Me

This is my blogging for today, room 9 had to make a design with fruit in it and they also had to write Hauora Fuel me. I do not really know what it means but I kinda liked it it was actually fun making this it was awesome.

Thursday, 23 July 2015

Dewey Decimals System


Non-fiction books are arranged on the shelves numerically.
The books are given a decimal number according to their subject.

Try putting these numbers in order.

1.001     2.362 3.500         4.593.9                             
5.610     6.629.2         7.737.5                  8.745.5
9.808.8              10.994

Look through the non-fiction shelves in the library.  What subjects do you find at these numbers.

004 - Data Processing Computers Science.
796.3 - Athletics & outdoor sports and games
500 - Natural Science and Mathematics
821 - English Poetry.
993.1 -  New Zealand History

At what Dewey Decimal number would you find the following subjects:
Myths and Legends - 753
Fashion - 687
Inventions - 608
Birds - 598
Fairy tales - 398

Part Adder

I needed to solve 18+8 . I used the Part Adder to solve the problems.

Thursday, 25 June 2015

Library Skills (Solving - Fiction,Both,Non-Fiction)

Today my class and I did a document about library books theirs fiction non-fiction and both. As you can see theirs an screenshot of my work

Library Skills

This is how to reference a book

  • Author Carol Christian.
  • Title Moses in the wilderness.
  • Published 1998.
  • City Publshed Hong Kong.
  • the publishers are Ann Baum and Linda Rogers.

Monday, 25 May 2015


Me in The Wild
By Cyrus

One day it was so hot and, we were traveling to the warzone. Every single soldier has been prepared for battle and we all hope we will have victoris. But any way Shingo and I went out and keep an eye at for the enemies just incase if they show up. Suddenly this fog starts to show and we couldn't see a thing but then we had seen our enemies on their ship and me and Shingo warned the rest of the crew and Lew, Lebrane and Price rush out with all
their gear ready and then we just knew that they never saw us so we quietly sneaked to the other side and we waited for the captain to give his order and then he told us to put them down so we all took out our guns and several people died but then the fog was starting to fade away and the enemies saw us and they realized that we were shooting at them so their best soldiers came out and shot at us but luckily we had back up. But then this guy who was camouflaged in the water climbed up on our ship and tried to punch but then his finger just flicked at me and he has touched me and then I just felt sick but I pushed him into the ocean it was not so bad so I carried on. But it was a tight fight but we gave it our all it was still going on but then they were sending more troops out for battle and we never knew that they snuck close to us so we had some of the enemies best men and then when I kicked some of them my sickness just got worse but suddenly it went away and then I just still kicked them off our ship but then it came back it was really weird.

My friends told me that we won but there was lots of soldiers from our team who have died so we digged a hole in the ground and dragged them in there we felt sad but they should be happy in heaven the battle so we all had a meeting of what we should do next so we planned to celebrated with a party so we done that but as we were having a party I thought about myself and the soldiers who past away I said to myself that I would of died so I should risk my life for the soldiers who past away in the next battle for my best men that have died for us. But anyways that was the hardest battle that we have ever done so we had fun and had a party and that was about it so we all fighted for our people and the people who loves us and I just want to so one more thing we are so happy that I happy that I went outside and shouted we won.

The End

Thursday, 23 April 2015

Library Skills

Plagiarism is when you copy and paste something or someones work and use it as your own work. You could get in serious trouble if you do these kinds of things you can go to prison for this. So you have to check your work so that you know you did not copy and paste work from someones study. This is the law. So if I was someone that does the copy and paste I would stop and think about what I am doing.

Tuesday, 17 March 2015

All About me recraft

All about me poster 

Today I made a poster about me. We had to write three or more things that where important to us. I did this because my class wanted to know about each other. I learned to put pictures on to make it interesting for the reader. 

Hi my name is Cyrus Davis and I was born in NZ. My birthday is on the 2 of November. Today I want to talk about the important things in my life like my family, my friends and my hobbies.I would love to talk about my wonderful family.

Image result for cartoon houses

My family is the most important thing in my whole entire life. In my family I have my Mum, my Dad, my little sister and my 9 brothers. I love them all from the bottom of my heart. They will always be there for me when I need help because we always support each other.

Image result for family

My friends are amazing and they like to play and learn. They have been my friends since I was a little boy. My older friends like Sylis used to take me to the library at lunch. I love going there because it makes me remember those memories back in the days.
Image result for friends

I have many hobbies like sports, art, games, and much more. I like doing art because its is so fun and it really really makes me feel more creative and amazed.

Image result for sportsImage result for art

I love my family and I like my friends they can be serious when it comes to games they are the best things in my life.

Monday, 16 March 2015

My Counting on presentation

Today I made a presentation about counting on. I have learned that you have to count on from the biggest number in the aquasion.

Thursday, 12 March 2015

Room 9 graph

About Room 9

LI: WALT read information on a graph.

Room 9’s favorite popstar

Screenshot 2015-03-05 at 9.07.41 AM.png

About this graph.

What does this graph show?
Room 9’s favorite pop stars

What is one interesting piece of information you can read from this graph? The interesting piece of the graph is that Megan Trainor has the most fans in room 9.
Yesterday I made a graph about room 9's favorite pop stars Everybody had to vote but unfortunately we couldn't get everybody in the class.

Library Skills

Today Jericho and I did an document that we had to put words in the right colom.