
Monday, 31 March 2014

Weekly number challenge

Today’s Number:

Write it in words
Four Hundred Seven

Write it as an expanded number


Add 20

Subtract 5

Double it

Half of it
Multiply by 3

The easiest part was expanding 407
The hardest part was multiply by 3
I need to work on  half of it

Monday Quick wrights

                          Making my favourite snack 

This is my favorite snack theres a few steps to make it.


  1. Butter
  2. Jam
  3. Bread
  4. Toaster
  5.  knifes 

  1. Put 2 bread in the toaster
  2.  You get your toast out of the toaster
  3.  You get a knife and butter your toast
  4.   you  put jam on you knife and spread it on your toast  

Monday, 24 March 2014

Weekly number challenge

Today’s Number:

Write it in words
One hundred sixty seven

Write it as an expanded number

Add 3

Add 20

Subtract 5

Double it

Half of it
Multiply by 3

The easiest part was expanding 167.
The hardest part was multiply and half of it.
I need to work on  subtract.

Monday Quick Writs

                    Imagine you built an awesome Tree House

If I built an awesome tree house I will put pictures of me and my friends on the walls. I will bring a book shelve full of books and I will have board games at the bottom of the shelve. I will have a PS3 and a Xbox 3 three sixty. I will have an oven were I can make my food  and also cakes. I will like to have a puppy.And  tiger and lion statues by the foot path so it can show me the way to the tree house. And i will like the foot path to be pictures of CD games. I will have a big television so I can watch lot of things.And I will also like the tree house to be BIG as well.I will like a grey desk so I can do my Homework I will like a table to have my dinner.I will like the tree hose to be  high ground and a ladder so I can clime up. metal in the outside. And I will also like an soft carpet on the floor.
And a massive slide so I can go out of the tree house I will also like a bubbly  bath tub and a really nice confutable bed     

Friday, 21 March 2014

Sharing Information

Sharing Information

L.I.  To make decisions about sharing information safely online

Cut (ctrl X) and paste (ctrl V) the following statements into the table:

Personal Information
(information that is safe to share)

Private Information
(information that you should never share without the permission of an adult)
  • Your first name.
  • Your birth date  .
  • Your nick name.
  • Your favorite color .
  • what country you live in.
  • Your favourite game.
  • favourite movie.
  • favourite food.
  • favourite sport.

  • Bank account number
  • family private information
  • Your password for anything
  • Your home phone number
  • Your home phone number
  • Your home address
  • your last name
  • your personal pictures
  • who lives in your house

Then I would like you to copy the table and paste it onto your blog.
Remember to paste the link onto the Weekly Marking Sheet.

Reading Follow Up

Frog Adventure
SJ P1 N1 2009

Re-read your book with a buddy in your group.
Answer these questions in blue.
Remember to use capital letters and full stops.
Try to use the question to start the answer.

1.  What will you find at Highgate Farm?Frogs

2.  When do Jessica, Jonathan and Niwa go there?Every summer.

3.  Find out what these words mean and write it here
(highlight the word, 2 finger tap, define):
  • orchard -An area of land devoted to the cultivation of fruit or nut trees.
  • gully - A ditch or gutter.
  • r.paddock - a small ,usually enclosed field near a stable or a bran for pasturing or exercising.
4. What was the competition? Who ever can find the biggest Frog
and the smallest Tadpole

5.  Why did they tip the frogs and tadpoles back into the pond?
So the Frogs can have  tea and they will be back tomorrow.

Early Finishers:

Read Disappearing Frogs and write 3 facts that you learnt:
1.That New Zealand has four species of native frog
Maud Frog’s, Archey’s Frogs, Hamilton’s Frog and Hochstetter’s.

2.It is inportent to relese the tadpoles and the frogs if you colect them.

3.You can’t keep frogs for ever.

My Cultural Art

Hello every one this is my Cultural art photo. room 7 has been working on patterns that mean things to us and our culture. Some thing's that's from our culture like food,flowers,and more. Room 7 has done Reflection,Rotation,and Translation for those who don't know these Rotation  you can see every student from  room 7's  blog there more things that is from Samoan,Maori and Tonga. This was an awesome idea to come up with.

Thursday, 20 March 2014

Basic Facts Practice

This week we practiced our basic facts by using online games I really liked 
playing Math Mahjong because this game can help me more and more about
addition this game is one of the beast for me.I will be playing this  game will  at home and at school.

Here is a link to the game.

Monday, 17 March 2014

Voice Tread

This is my Voice Thread I am working on french you can hear my voice thread we were  counting in french.Room 7 were  working on this too.As you can see I am counting in French from 1-10.

Weekly Number Challenge.

Today’s Number:

Write it in words
thirty four

Write it as an expanded number

Add 3

Add 20

Subtract 5

Double it

Half of it
Multiply by 3

The easiest part was expanding 36
The hardest part was multiply
I need to work on add 20

I am happy how far i have gone.

Monday Quick Wrights

                                                       If I could  be animal

If I could be an animal I will be a Dog. I will be  a Dog because Dogs can help blind people  and they can help police men.Some Dogs are kind and some are not.I will like to be a dog that is black and white.I like cute Dogs. I will not fight with other Dogs I will be Dogs that are got coaler with blue strips and picture of me I will like to eat lots of meat and other food I will like to take walks and I will like to be helpful I will like to listen to people but I wont listen to them if they tell me to do bad things I would not like bad people if I was a Dog I will listen to people who are good like they say nice things I could so cleaver if I was a Dog.

Monday, 10 March 2014

Room 7s favorite books

               I chose to make a chart about room 7's favorite books I chose Captain Under Pants. My buddy chose TIN TIN books and another group of my friends chose it to. The total was 21 and I was very very happy about it.

Todays number

Today’s Number:

Write it in words

Write it as an expanded number

Add 3

Add 20

Subtract 5

Double it

Half of it
Multiply by 3

The easiest part was expanding the number
The hardest part was
I need to work on multiply by 3

Monday Quick Writes

           The most wonderful place I have been to.

The bests place is A place I havent seen before. But it was a nice beach to surf. It had big waves and it also had  small waves. Some             times it splashed on us but it didn't hurt that much.
We  tried to teach  our baby sister to swim as well

I have highlighted 3 simple sentences
and 3 conjunctions. 

Tuesday, 4 March 2014

School picnic

On thursday the 24th the whole school went to Eastern beach.When we first got there our class had a sand castle challenge.We used sticks, shells, and more.In a few minets we went and got changed into our togs and went for our swim.We splashed and we had fun.Then we had to get out but I did not want to get out but we have to.After that we played some sports. first we played cricket then we played after we played sports we had morning tea.Three hours Mr Johnston said every class only has five minuts to swim too class each.He called our class first when we got in me and my friend Daniel almost droned.But Daniels dad saved us  and we came out coughing me and my buddy said were not going to go to Eastern beach again.But we stool had fun. 



I have been learning about transformation. This means changing position you can see my photo shows reflection, rotation and translation