
Friday, 21 March 2014

Reading Follow Up

Frog Adventure
SJ P1 N1 2009

Re-read your book with a buddy in your group.
Answer these questions in blue.
Remember to use capital letters and full stops.
Try to use the question to start the answer.

1.  What will you find at Highgate Farm?Frogs

2.  When do Jessica, Jonathan and Niwa go there?Every summer.

3.  Find out what these words mean and write it here
(highlight the word, 2 finger tap, define):
  • orchard -An area of land devoted to the cultivation of fruit or nut trees.
  • gully - A ditch or gutter.
  • r.paddock - a small ,usually enclosed field near a stable or a bran for pasturing or exercising.
4. What was the competition? Who ever can find the biggest Frog
and the smallest Tadpole

5.  Why did they tip the frogs and tadpoles back into the pond?
So the Frogs can have  tea and they will be back tomorrow.

Early Finishers:

Read Disappearing Frogs and write 3 facts that you learnt:
1.That New Zealand has four species of native frog
Maud Frog’s, Archey’s Frogs, Hamilton’s Frog and Hochstetter’s.

2.It is inportent to relese the tadpoles and the frogs if you colect them.

3.You can’t keep frogs for ever.

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