
Monday, 14 April 2014

Practice Poetry Recital Evaluation

Weekly Number Challenge

Today’s Number:

Write it in words
six hundred seven

Write it as an expanded number
Add 3

Add 20

Subtract 5

Double it

Half of it
Multiply by 3

The easiest part was expanding 647
The hardest part was multiply by 3
I need to work on half of

Monday, 7 April 2014

weekly number chellenge

Today’s Number:

Write it in words
five hundred eighty to

Write it as an expanded number

Add 3

Add 20

Subtract 5

Double it

Half of it
Multiply by 3

The easiest part was expanding
The hardest part was multiply by 3 and half of it
I need to work on add 20 and subtract 5

Monday Quick Write

  this is a native story and I have put images at the bottom I hope                                     you enjoy this story.

                         the Super Hero saves the day

One super hero day New Years day. 2015 there was  hero's that need to save the human's. Hulk,Flash,Superman and Thor has a hammer that know one can carry and metal gear and a red cape . Superman has a red cape at the back of him and a blue hard sleeve shirt that has a S in the middle and he breaths could its like ice but its not and he has lasers on his eye and he can hear really really far its like he can hear from the whole world. Hulk has green skin and black hair he has the power to jump high and the power of strength. Flash can run very very fast he can punch and kick fast and hard. Super man go to space and hear if the human's need our help said Thor. Whoosh there go's Superman to space hearing people that needs  the hero's help Superman come's back to earth telling the other hero's that there need saving to do. lets go said Flash off they go WHOOSH flash runs very very fast Hulk jumps high and go's far Superman floe with speed and Thor used is hammer to fly. Suddenly Superman knew that they were getting closer and closer then the heros saw the trouble was at London bridge. There was three things that need to be done one there was a fire truck that was going to fall off the bridge and the fire truck was on fire and it had  4 people in the fire truck and some people robed a bank and the heros worse enemies first  hulk came and gave a little fright to the people and grabbed the fire truck that was on fire and pulled it back on the bridge and Superman took the fire out with his could breath and Thor said to the humans keep safe and keep out of trouble because and the people were cheering and the people said THANK YOU FOR THE HELP HERO'S . Then the heros and went to the place were the people that robed the bank they almost escaped but flash court up and pope the wheels and the people who robed the bank there car flipped over and Superman called the police and then the were in prison for 59 years the heros quickly captured the enemies and verst theme The heros did all they could defeating the enemies until the heros had victory then the heros won its over we have victory said the heros.


Friday, 4 April 2014

Kiwi Kids News

Last time I did this I got 70%. as you can see I have in proved my self that I have got 100%.


This is just the race the teacher I got 69 smiley faces. On the addition one I got 49 smiley faces. because when I first started XtraMaths I got a little bit of smiley faces like 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,11 but now I am good at XtraMath.